Thursday, January 10, 2008

Well I had no idea how to follow Sundays post about Andrew Olmsted "GKAR". I stayed up Sunday night and kept reading it and every time I did I kept crying more. How in the heck did he come up with those words to say good bye and when he said good bye to his wife, I lost it.

This is where the "vet" in me came out big time. I recall having to say good bye to friends that had died while in service of their country. I cried then and I cry now for soldiers that i do not know.

The video above tells a simple story. A soldier comes home from Iraq and he goes to his sons school, to surprise him. His sons sees him, runs to him and just breaks down and cry. I was crying like a little girl, when I saw the video, It looks like a lot of people did also.

If I ever had my way, I would ban all war and never, ever resort to this. Unfortunately, I live in a world where evil men would see this as weakness and want more power and more glory. This is why I have always said and will always say, "When you fight a war, you fight like hell and you destroy the enemy, in such a way, that he looses his will ever to fight again." Look at Germany and Japan. Japan has not invaded its Asian neighbors since 1945 and Germany has not started a war.

Welcome home soldier and spend time with your son. To Gkar's family, you lost a loved one and we morn for a man of honors loss. The world is a bit smaller because he is no longer part of it. I posted his letter, without edit. I added an "Amazing Grace/Taps video" and put an 1980-84 music video, because he requested, "Drink a coke and play an 80's song"

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