Thursday, December 08, 2011

Movie Reviews: Arthur Christmas, The Adventures of Tintin & J. Edgar

There are days that I really enjoying to the movies, I really thought a day of these 3 films would be a great day, by the time the 3rd film was over, I couldn't believe that I had wasted about 6-7 on these 3 films.

Arthur Christmas

Now I had seen a preview of the film and it really left me flat and sad to say the film never really got better for me or for the audience that saw the film with me.

The film was shot with British English and I realize that I might have missed a lot of the jokes in the film but when the audience I was with wasn't laughing at this film either, I realized that it just wasn't me. Nobody was laughing at this film. When the little kids in the audience were not laughing at this film, I knew that this film just wasn't clicking with this audience.

This film should have been a nice Christmas hit but for some reason it just didn't work for me. The film just left me flat and wondering why the company that made the awesome "Wallace and Gromit" made this bad of a film.

Please pass on this film at all cost

Grade: D

The Adventures of Tintin

Now I had no idea about this film. I knew who the character Tin Tin was and I had seen his cartons in the past. The problem is that I am not a fan of the character and the film did nothing to change that.

In my simple opinion, if you like the character TinTin, then you are going to love this film based on the world wide reaction to this film so far. if you have no idea or are not really keen on this character, then you might want to pass on this film because it brings nothing new to the table for liking or hating this film.

Please remember in Korea it will be released in 3D IMAX and the people who have seen this film in this format and loved this character, have praised this film.

If you like the character then see the film. If not and your like me and you are not a fan of this series, you might want to give a pass on this film.

Grade C-

J. Edgar

Of all of the films this day, I was looking towards this one the most because my favorite director, Clint Eastwood had directed it and when the film was over I could not believe the mis-step this film was.

To me, the film was a collection of greatest hits of J Edgar Hoover but that the film just seemed never in the right mood, the film just never really synched for me. I thought that the writing was horrible and some of the acting just seemed lazy and never made me believed in what I was watching on the screen.

I really thought that Leonardo DiCaprio could pull of this role of this historically complex man, but in the end he never really made me believe that he was Hoover.

It was a noble attempt to make a film about this man but in the end it just never worked for me and should not be sen when, or if, it ever comes to the Korean Theaters.

Grade: C-

1 comment:

  1. the movie quite nice and i watched it too~ =D

    Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..
