Thursday, April 22, 2010

By GI Korea on April 19th, 2010 at at 8:28 am

First Review of the No Gun Ri Movie

Mike McStay in Daejon has the first review I have seen done on the recently released No Gun Ri movie “A Little Pond”. Here is how Mike sums up the movie:

I then sat down and waited for the film to start and after it was over I kept thinking, I just saw the finest North Korean Propaganda film ever made. I even waited to the end to see if the film has a poster or a photograph of either Kim Il-sung or Kim Jong-il.

The film had Russians trying to play American soldiers and it never worked for me. You had a really heroic North Korean child appear after the incident to play to the audience. I also thought that the film poster and many scenes from this film were lifted straight from North Korea Propaganda posters denouncing the USA soldiers as baby killers. I really could not believe that I had actually seen all of this. [Socius]

You can read the rest at the link, but it appears the movie is about as bad as I expected. Has anyone else seen the movie and willing to comment as well?

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