Sunday, March 30, 2008
As has long been a policy of mine, If a reader ask me to review a film, the majority of the time, I will review the film. Well, last week, I was asked will I do a review of this 15 minute film. "FITNA" I said yes. Well I have watched the film and here is the review.
the movie
(At the time of writing this review, the above link was hosting the video)
Fitna Wikipedia Site
The film starts off with a disclaimer that there are some very graphic videos and photos that will be shown in this movie.
For 15 minutes you are shown act of terrorism, People speaking about hatred towards the USA, UK and some very anti-Semitic speech highlights. You are also shown words from the Koran that incite hatred towards all non Muslims. It shows some very graphic scenes of the brutality thrust upon women. The last part of the film talks about the Muslim population in the Netherlands and then links radical Islam To the Nazi's and the Communist.
(Please read the Wikipedia link for more information)
Well the film ask one very interesting question? Will the west surrender to radical Islam? (My vote is no!)
In the study of propaganda, I learned a fact a long time ago. If you scream a lie, loud enough and long enough, the lie will soon become a truth. This is why I am puzzled by the reaction to this movie.
The maker of this film went after the radicals, who are using terrorism to achieve their means. He listed worlds from the Koran that state to kill or burn your enemies. He also showed speeches given in Mosques that incite war and hatred.
Now readers, All followers of the Muslim faith are not terrorist and he clearly shows that in this film. He is showing how the holy words on the faith are being mangled and used to incite those to kill in the name of ones love of their God.
In my opinion, the films goal is to warn against the radicals of Islam. In that part the film is correct. If you believe in freedom, democracy and liberty, then the radicals speeches that the film maker has captured will show you that they are a very determined enemy that want you to conform to them.
At the end of the day the final decision about the film worth or worthiness will not be decided by me, it will be decided by those who believe in free speech. I saw no hatred of all just a select few who are extreme. If you believe that this is a criticism of all Muslims then, you are sadly mistaken.
After I watched the film i was reminded about the movie Jesus Camp when I saw the 3 year old Muslim girl say that Jews were pigs and that the Koran said so. I recall the extremist in this film also. One is being called a hate video while the later was nominated for an Academy Award for Documentary Feature.
What will the west do?
Release Date Online March 28th.
Well for the 2nd year in a row, my friend Brian (McLovin)Sims flew over from Purdue University and spent his spring break with me.
Man did we have a week of fun.
It all started on the actual day of Bry's arrival, We were waiting for a friend of his ride to come to the airport, when all of a sudden, We saw this huge crowd of girls gather and then I heard names being shouted at. I thought, "Oh No, Not the Backstreet Boys" and guess what we saw a crowd of girls chasing after the Boys as they left the airport. I told Bry, well you wanted a crowd, i got you the Backstreet boys.
Once again, we took the KTX back to Daejeon and then We dropped of his bags and then we went to the Horse races at Brickhouse. He actually won a few races, i could not believe it.
tHen the next day we did a few things, Bry wanted to see a Korean Movie, SO I took him to see "The Chaser" I still can not believe that for, 2 years in a row, Bry has actually seen a good Korean film. We also went to the baseball game and saw the Kia Tigers play the Hanwha Eagles, in a spring training game. We had a great night out over Daejeon. This was just the first 24 hours.
For the next few days, we went to Songtang, Busan, (Where Bry wanted to try some Russian food) We took the KTX to Busan and BACK. We sure did like the fast train rides. I took him to Cool bar, J-ROCK, Santas,Brickhouse and a few others. I showed him where THE SIDEWALK FOOD WAS AND Bry ate a lot.
Then I took him to a few of my classes and the students seemed to like him. We also had a very nice St paddy's day green beer party. I got him a few vcd's for his collection home.
My friend had a great time and once again enjoyed his stay in Daejeon.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Dutch politician Geert Wilders' anti-Muslim short film "Fitna" is finally available on the Internet. Wilders' PVV political party put a link to the 15-minute-short on its Web site at 7 p.m. Thursday Dutch time. English- and Dutch-language versions of the film are offered at via a link to
Immediately after the news, the Dutch government went into a crisis meeting to discuss a reaction to the film. It is expected that Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende will give a response to Wilders' action later tonight.
"Fitna" contains images of the terror attack on the Twin Towers, the bombing of railway station Atocha in Madrid and the murder of director Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam. The film starts with a warning that it offers shocking images. The production, difficult to view because of many downloads, ends with a Danish cartoon of the prophet Muhammed hit apparently by a bomb. Wilders combines the images with various texts from the Koran, including quotes urging Muslims "to strike terror in the hearts of the enemies."
The Dutch politician said in an interview tonight on Dutch national television that his intention is to condemn the ideology of the Koran. "I do not hate the Muslim people," he stated. He also announced that his party will organize meetings in the future to start a dialogue with Muslims.
"Fitna" was originally to be presented at a March 28 press conference in the Hague, the Dutch center of politics. Due to extreme security costs, the event was canceled.
Last week, U.S. Internet provider Network Solutions refused to host the film online.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My "The Host Movie REVIEW"
GI Myths: The 2000 Yongsan Water Dumping Scandal
A persistent GI myth that continues to be perpetuated around Korea is the dumping of formaldehyde down a drain on Yongsan Garrison in Seoul in February 2000 by a USFK mortician. Spectacular headlines were splashed across Korea’s media outlets especially on the internet about how the mortician had exposed the millions of people in Seoul to cancer causing chemicals. This incident reached such mythical proportions in Korea that the most popular monster movie in Korean history was based on it.
This incident all started when the so called environmental group Green Korea released reports over the internet about the dumping of formaldehyde on Yongsan and led protests against USFK. Green Korea, a group no one had heard of before, quickly became the darlings of the Korean media.
Here is a press release they released concerning the 2000 water dumping:
Nowadays the U.S army’s toxic fluid dumping to Han-river is main issue in Korea. On February 9th, in the US Eighth Army Mortuary Building, 480 bottles of formaldehyde, used for embalming were dumped in a drain without any detoxification. It has been confirmed that the US Army has been releasing Formaldehyde for long periods of time into the Han-River.
Mr. Albert L. McFarland after issuing an order to pour these fluids down the drain, was refused by his subordinate on the basis that the drain led to the Han River, and that the chemicals are known to cause cancer and birth defects. Mr. McFarland swore at the soldier, and ordered him to execute the order. Do you know why Mr. McFarland ordered like that? The only reason is that the boxes were covered with dust.
This case was reported to the Headquarters of the Eighth Division in a statement made by the soldier who executed the order. On July 10th, the Headquarters concluded that, ‘there was no problem if the chemicals were diluted with water’. Formaldehyde is a very toxic chemical. This is the label of the bottle. It was written like this Poison, Can not be made none poisonous.
This case serves as an exemplar for how the US and US military is deceiving, purposefully or not, Korea and its people. They asserted that the American bases in Korea caused no harm or damage to the environment, and that the US military is abiding by US EPA regulations, and that it is environmentally much safer than Korean bases or companies. However, the fact that the US military is disposing of toxic fluids such as formaldehyde in the Han River, where 10 million people use it for household use, is in itself an outrage and mockery to the Korean people. [Green Korea United]
These accusations by Green Korea were repeated over and over again in the Korean media with one editorial in the nation’s largest newspaper the Chosun Ilbo asking, "Would they dump toxic chemicals into the Potomac River?":
These toxic chemicals are widely known to cause cancer and birth defects. The Han river supplies drinking water for over 10 million citizens residing in metropolitan Seoul and its satellite cities. Are Koreans disposable people?
The news is ethically repulsive. Environmentally, the act is destruction-friendly. In psychiatric terms, it comes close to an act of quasi-murder [oh my!]. For, what matters here is the sick mind and attitude that made possible the dumping of the cancer-causing substance. Whether or not the quantity of the discarded was enough to cause cancer is not the issue here.
Notice how this article sounds almost exactly like the Green Korea press release. It makes you wonder if Green Korea wrote it for the Chosun Ilbo. Green Korea and their media and political allies demanded the imprisonment of the USFK mortician and even the resignation of the USFK commander. These sensational headlines also caused widespread public condemnation of USFK in Korea with no one in the media actually interested in finding out what really happened. Of course the truth of what really happened that day on Yongsan is of no concern to these people, establishing the mythology is.
Let’s look at what really happened that day. There was formaldehyde dumped down the drain on Yongsan Garrison in February 2000, that fact is not in dispute. However, a number of the myths surrounding this fact are in dispute. The first myth is the amount of chemicals dumped. Green Korea claims that 60 gallons of formaldehyde was dumped into the Han River when in fact only 20 gallons was dumped. The next myth are the claims that the people of Seoul were exposed to cancer causing chemicals. The formaldehyde was diluted first of all by running water, then was processed through the Seoul waste treatment system, and finally through the Nanjido central metropolitan treatment plant along with 1.9 million gallons of other sewage and waste that was processed through these facilities that day.
To further clarify this point let’s look at the man in the middle of this controversy Mr. Albert McFarland. To this day, this man is the subject of widespread condemnation in Korea with no one reporting his side of the story. The ROK Drop has come into possession of some documents from the investigation that clearly shows McFarland’s side of the story that further clarifies that the formaldehyde was no danger to the public. Note that none of the excerpts from the documents I am showing here are FOUO or classified:
McFarland was taking over and trying to clean up the facility he inherited when the prior supervisor had to return to America due to an illness in his family. Part of the clean up was to dispose of the old formaldehyde. McFarland decided to dispose of the old formaldehyde the same way he was trained to do it in the United States and has always done it, including his prior assignment in Panama. This was all done in accordance with prior established procedures. I guess that answers the question the Chosun Ilbo had if Americans would dump formaldehyde in the Potomac River. It makes you wonder why the Chosun Ilbo didn’t bother to investigate and find out how US morticians are trained before making such claims. Than again when you are into myth making what use are facts.
The rest of the excerpt of this document concerns another myth put out against McFarland that he recklessly put the people who worked under him in danger. As can be seen in the document an Industrial Hygiene Survey was done prior that rated the mortuary as being of "normal limits" which classifies its workers as not needing protective equipment. Here is another excerpt from a document that further shows how absurd this claim is:
Like I said absurd.
The next myth is that McFarland made racial slurs towards the Korean workers, once again there is always another side to the story:
Reading through the documents and witness statements it is clear that McFarland has a big mouth. The other Korean witness confirms that McFarland would often call Mr. Kim stupid and another soldier that worked at the mortuary said that McFarland used to call Kim stupid and that he acts like a child and would make off color comments to him. McFarland was definitely unprofessional in how he spoke to Mr. Kim, but none of the documents supported any claims of racial slurs used by McFarland.
It is clear that Mr. Kim had plenty of reason to dislike McFarland. Reading through to documents even more discloses that Mr. Kim had even more reason to dislike McFarland:
So McFarland is the new boss and he begins making the employees and soldiers actually do their jobs and not hang out in the commissary all day and is extremely critical of the work they are doing. It makes you wonder what the two Korean workers were doing at the commissary in the first place, but I’m sure people can draw their own conclusions on that. Also if we have learned anything from these documents, it is that you don’t want to die while stationed in USFK:
Yes, the hero of the Korean environmental movement is a guy that throws away people’s body parts because he too lazy to put them back in the person’s body.
Obviously Mr. Kim did not like McFarland and preferred the prior supervisor Mr. Pool because he let him hang out in the commissary all day. It doesn’t take any stretch of the imagination that Mr. Kim saw an opportunity to get back at McFarland when he had him dispose of the formaldehyde down the drain that day. After disposing of the fluid he contacted Green Korea and staged pictures in the mortuary and then Korean media sensationalized the story.
So why was Green Korea and the Korean media so interested in sensationalizing this incident? Well let’s go back to that prior Chosun Ilbo article to answer this one:
"Are they here to defend us? Thanks but from whom?" The answer to the question is in a sense becoming more and more ambiguous and ambivalent in the post inter-Korean summit detente.
Frankly, some Koreans are also scared of the idea of a defense by those who commanded to dump the toxic substance; who murdered many Korean hostesses, the poor souls, who had to sell sex to earn their subsistence; and, who care little about those Koreans suffering from constant bombing exercises like the one in Maehyang-ri. Why are they reluctant to fully disclose the facts about Nogun-ri massacres? Is the SOFA really a fair arrangement?
This incident happened in February 2000, but didn’t make massive headlines until July 2000. The first inter-Korean summit between Kim Dae-jung and Kim Jong-il happened in June 2000; the public in Korea was delirious with unification fever and perceptions of North Korea changed dramatically from one of animosity to one of a misunderstood uncle. Today we know that the summit and the follow on Nobel Peace Prize to Kim Dae-jung was bought with a $500 million dollar bribe to Kim Jong-il by Kim Dae-jung. We also know today that the bribe and follow on aid packages given to Kim Jong-il in the name of the Sunshine Policy went on to expand his military and advance his ballistic missile and nuclear programs to the point that North Korea now possesses a nuclear bomb.
The Sunshine Policy is now recognized as an utter failure, but back then the Korean people thought very differently and this led the anti-US movement in Korea to exploit this change in sentiment by trying to create a perception that the United States was the reason for the continued division of the country and not North Korea. They also used this incident to demand changes to the US-ROK Status of Forces Agreement which they claim is unfair, which is of course another GI myth. They used this incident to further their aims which to this day this incident continues to be demagogued in South Korea with continued hatred of Mr. McFarland and claims of US environmental crimes.
So what ended up happening to Mr. McFarland? Well he was investigated by the military and was the focus of vicious protests against him by Koreans that wanted him tried and jailed. Here is what the military investigator concluded:
Yes in the investigation he was found to have done nothing wrong and it was recommended no action be taken against him. The commanding officer disagreed and ended up suspending McFarland for 30 days without pay probably to appease the Korean public’s anger. Well as history has shown us now, offering sacrificial lambs to appease public anger in Korea does not work. The demagogues just whipped the masses into more of a fury and used the suspension of Mr. McFarland as evidence that USFK is committing great environmental crimes and don’t care about Koreans. They continued to protest and make demands that the USFK commander resign.
Then the South Korean Ministry of Justice got involved even though they have no jurisdiction over McFarland since the incident happened on duty and on a US military base which the US-ROK SOFA agreement states is a case that is in US jurisdiction. McFarland did not attend the trial but was fined $4000. USFK paid the $4000 fine, probably once again in the hopes of appeasing public anger. Of course this only encouraged the anti-US movement even more.
Unhappy with the results, the Seoul District court ordered a re-trial. Yes you heard that right, McFarland was convicted once and since the anti-US groups didn’t like the verdict another trial was ordered. That is how it works in Korea, it is "rule by law" instead of "rule of law". It is this manipulation of Korean law for clearly partisan political purposes, why a SOFA agreement with Korea exists in the first place.
The new trial sentenced McFarland to six months in jail, which was more jail time than a taxi driver that raped a newly arriving American Army private at Incheon airport ever saw because his original conviction was overturned because the US private did not show enough evidence of resisting the rape. Folks this is Korean justice for you.
What else is so hypocritical about the protests, anger, and down right demagoguery of this issue is that when Korean companies contaminate the Han River, Green Korea could care less:
It is shocking news that 29 timber companies were found to have released 271 tons of formalin over the past three years into streams feeding the Han River, the main source of drinking water for Seoul and Kyonggi Province.
Formalin is basically a watered-down version of the highly toxic formaldehyde.
The discovery vividly testifies to the futility of the government’s campaigns to preserve water resources and protect the environment. […]
The timber companies have used the chemical to prevent the decay of their products to preserve the original patterns and the quality of wood used to make furniture or flooring.
Although the companies had the financial capability to install facilities for treating the polluted water, they simply did not bother. [Korea Times]
Lumber companies dump 271 tons of chemicals directly into the Han River with no treatment at all and it is worthy of a brief mention in the Korea Times; a Yongsan mortician drains 20 gallons of formaldehyde mixed with water down a drain that is the established procedure for disposing of the fluid, which then gets processed through not one but two water treatment plants and months of protests occur, an entire nation is brainwashed to hate the mortician Mr. McFarland, he is tried twice and jail sentence give to him, and even a blockbuster monster movie is created to further exploit this myth. Truly incredible, and yet people wonder why there is SOFA Agreement in place?
In a bit of poetic justice, in October 2006 it was discovered that a number of anti-US groups including those in the Korean environmental movement like Green Korea were linked to the Il Shim Hoe North Korean spy scandal; not that the people invested in perpetuating this myth really care.
Further Reading:
The Mortician’s Tale - Asia Times
Great Dumping Scandal of 2000 - USinKorea
COMMENTS FROM THE ABOVE ARTICLE.........................................................................................
Kalani, I agree the treatment of the bodies is definitely disturbing and I can understand why McFarland was so pissed off about it. This may also provide additional motive on why Kim went to Green Korea and the media to have leverage to save his own skin for obvious incompetence of his official duties. If I was the parents of deceased soldiers processed through that mortuary I would be highly upset about what was going on there.
I looked around Green Korea’s webpage and they have been active with the Saemangeum affair since 1997 however they didn’t start making big headlines until 2000 along with their Kooni Range activities that also became big news in 2000. My opinion is the group is a anti-US front group which has to pick a few non-US environmental issues in order to keep the appearance of being an environmental group instead of the anti-US group that they really are. The fact that the Korean environmental movement was linked to the Ilshimhoe spy scandal only further validates this.
Pete, As far as I know McFarland is still working at the mortuary which I actually find to be a good thing because he obviously cares about the job he is doing and that mortuary is probably extremely squared away right now. As far as being employee of the year I do not know but judging by his efforts to fix the mortuary I wouldn’t be surprised.
He was sentenced to jail but the sentencing was all show because the Korean court system does not have the power to send him jail due to his SOFA status. So the whole conviction was a sham and was nothing more then legal theater for the anti-US groups to bash USFK with.
CPT Kim,As far as Mr. Kim I do not know what his status is but judging by his documented incompetence in caring for the bodies processed through the morgue as well as his actions in allowing unauthorized pictures to be taken in the mortuary I wouldn’t be surprised if he was no longer working there.
Also just the fact that Mr. McFarland is still working there leads me to believe that Mr. Kim is probably gone because I can’t imagine those two still being able to work together, but like I said I do not know for sure and would appreciate anyone who knows to leave a comment.
I also wonder if “The Host 3″ will be about the canal and Korea awaking a Soju Godzilla.
Could make for some interesting films.
PLEASE ENJOY THE LETTER......................................................
In 1994 I was 14 years old. As I assume is the case with a lot of teenage boys, there wasn't a whole lot that my dad and I didn't fight about. In fact, I am positive that we fought about everything. To say that we had a rocky relationship is putting it mildly. But the one thing we never fought about was baseball. It was the one thing we could truly see eye to eye on. We would spend each spring, fall, and winter yelling at each other, but when summer rolled around things would magically get better.
When I first learned of the impending strike in 1994, I was devastated. In fact, I can remember talking to my mom with tears rolling down my eyes because I knew this would be the longest summer of my life. The way I saw it, a bunch of millionaires were taking away from me the one thing my dad and I had in common.
My mother must have told my dad about the conversation because shortly after that, he told me he wanted to take me to a baseball game. My parents didn't make a lot of money, so needless to say, this was a very special occasion. I was even more thrilled to learn that this trip to the temple was just for my dad and I, and my mother and two little brothers wouldn't be there. On the way to the game, he told me about why we were going. I had never listed to the Ticket up until this point, but Dad was a P1 Day 1, so I knew you guys existed. Once he told me about the plans to leave the game, I wasn't too happy about it. But I thought to myself, it's at least a couple innings of live baseball, so I'll take it. On top of that, doing something like this was a big deal for Dad, so I was sure that he would end up staying for the whole game anyway.
We were sitting in the outfield bleachers, just to the left field side of the grassy knoll. Then came the moment. The first pitch in the third inning had just been thrown. And I remember this moment like it was yesterday. It looked to me like thousands and thousands of fans stood up and left the game. I know it wasn't that many. But at that age, I was naive enough to believe it. After watching some people around us stand up and make their way to the aisle, I looked at my dad. He was already standing, wearing his blue, worn out throw back Ranger hat and a Ranger shirt that had to be from the 70's. He looked at me and said, "Zach, it's time to go". So we followed suit with the other fans from our section. Without a word, we all filed into the aisles and walked out. My dad and I didn't say two words to each other the entire walk back to the car.
By the time we got back to the car, I was furious. My dad had managed to personally ruin the one thing we had in common. But then something happened. We hopped into his 1989 Pontiac, put the windows down, and then he looked at me and smiled. As we pulled out and began our trek home, he began to tell me why we did what he thought we should have done. And he made it all make sense. There was something different about him that day, and I could tell that he was proud of it, as corny as that may sound. We took the long way home that day (another rarity). My dad and I talked the whole way home. The radio never came on one time. Sure we talked some baseball (we always did), but there was more to it than that. We talked about life, love, politics. We talked about his childhood and the day he met my mother. It was a wonderful trip home. I asked for advise, and he gave it. I laughed, and he laughed harder. It was the greatest hour and a half of my life.
I don't know what it was about that day. My assumption is that he was a very hard working man who never showed much emotion, so he finally got the feeling that his voice was heard. And he was proud about that. And he was even more proud to share that moment with his oldest son. I know this sounds cheesy and too good to be true, but the fighting between my father and I ceased that day. We became friends that day. Sure we have had our differences since then, but still to this day, he remains my best friend. And it started with the Ticket Stick It.
I don't know what kind of effect that even had on the big picture, and I have no way of knowing what you guys got out of it. But for me, it was the day in which I regained a relationship with my dad. A day I will never forget.
This time I took the 22$ shuttle and I liked it. I had about 4+ hours to wait so I was in no hurry. I got to the ChristChurch airport and went looking around the stores.
I saw a great place for souvenirs and I picked up a lot for the family back in Texas. I got ,hats, shirts, cups, key rings and TY bears for my sister.
I went and found the bar and they were showing the NASCAR race and I was happy. I had Speights and racing. It was a nice time to wait for the plane.
I then flew from Christ Church to Auckland. I had to spend the night, once again no reservation, but I go there early and found a nice place and a nice price. I watched the OSCARS and yelled when "THERE WILL BE BLOOD" lost!
I ordered domino's pizza and rested the night.
The next day I knew was going to be a long one. I had to return to Korea from Auckland-Hong Kong- Seoul. Once again I feared no sleep on the trip and once again I was right. I absolutely hate the fact that i can not sleep on a plane.
I got to the airport early and checked in. I was reminded about having to pay $25 before I COULD LEAVE NZ. I later learned from "Mc LOVIN" that you have to pay 100 pounds before you leave one of London's airports. So I grumbled and bought a 25$ stamp and showed it a few times before I checked in.
I found a newspaper and i found a "MCD" and drank another huge-ass slurpee.
I checked in and was waiting for the flight. I saw the NZ news and realized that I was actually watching it and knew where this city was.
It was time for me to take the flight and before I got on i turned around and said, "Thank you New Zealand for showing me an awesome vacation"
I then got on the plane and headed off to HK.
Once again when i got to HK, it sucked. I really do not like the airport. They need a better place to eat and for it to be closer. It was not a good layover.
Then it was time to go to Korea. I caught a good seat and enjoyed the flight. The flight crew looked like they were very unprofessional. i was wondering in Cathay does what Emirates Air does, if you have seniority, you do not have to work Korea. The flight staff were very unprofessional and it showed. I could not believe it when they gave me a survey. I filled it out to the max!
The flight was finally over and I got my bags and went to an ATM and looked at the watch. It was 2140. i knew that the last train left Seoul Station for Daejeon at 11pm. It was not going to be the KTX. So I caught a bus and made it in time for the train. If I did not I was going to ITEWON and crash the night there.
I finally caught a quick nap on the train.
i recognized the station and got off. I was able to catch a cab and went back to site "e" and went to my room and collapsed.
I had returned back to Korea and had made it back safe and sound.
I was sad about having to leave Dunedin. I like the beer, the Meat Pies, the octagon and esp the chocolate.
I had finished packing up when I saw Dan and Greer return from the hotel room. I looked at them both and realized that they were both legally married. They were going on their honeymoon then next day and they were going to Greece. I told Dan to please try and go to Sparta and to the Battle of Thermopylae site. since we saw "300" on IMAX.
Greer stated that her Dad was going to have lunch and later went there to have lunch. It was such fresh food and VERY DELICIOUS. i was able to secure a later bus passage and spent the day with my friends and the delicious food.
I saw they they were now married and that they were looking at their wedding gifts. It was a very nice day spent with my friends.
It was time for me to catch the 6 hour bus ride to Christchurch. I hugged both of my friends good bye and got a ride to the bus station.
While I was waiting for the bus and during the ride to ChristChurch, I was thinking about this week that I spent in Dunedin. It was a very beautiful city and one that I would like to see again. I had a great vacation.
I watched Rugby and now I watch cricket sometimes here on online tv. I miss Speight's and meat pies.
To Dan and Greer, thank you for inviting me to the wedding and thank you for showing me around Dunedin. To the parents of the couple, thank you for telling me the stories and for showing me around Dunedin also, I had a great time.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
photos 2
photos 3
Now I had never been to the Custom House while I was in Dunedin. It is right near the harbor and it was a very beautiful night. I went outside a few times and looked and was just totally blown away by the view and the water. It was great weather that night. It was an open bar so I was drinking Speight's all night.
I was so happy that my friends were now officially man and wife.
While we were waiting for the dinner to be served. I started to talk to Fraser. He likes US Sports and I found out that we were both huge fans of the HBO show "The Wire" he had not seen season 5 yet, I told him that when I returned that I would mail him a copy of season 5 (Which i did). I offered to tell him updates but he passed.
He is studying geology and i hope that he graduates one day. I really enjoyed talking to him for the 2 days that I could.
I told Dan and Greer many times that night, that I was so happy for them. I told Greer, Well he's yours now!
It was finally time for dinner, I sat in the back and just watched with amazement with all of the people that were there. My friends looked so happy and I was so happy for them.
Then a few things happened that i was not expecting.
Richard gave a speech about how happy he was. a bit later someone asked who knew the couple and he should say something. I told Richard, I'd do it and he said ok.
I got up and said this (or as close as I can remember)
Hi, my name is Mike McStay. I have know the happy couple probably the least amount of anyone here. I met the couple when they worked in Korea.
I said, I remember when I first met Dan and Greer, I thought that they were a nice cute couple, I wonder how they would survive in Korea. i then talked about how I saw these 2 interact, When Dan was weak Greer would be strong and when Greer was weak, Dan would be strong. I looked at them and thought, Wow, this is love.
I then told them about how I saw Dan mature in front of me (DAN joked,no way) but I have seen it with my own eyes. I saw their love grow. I told them about some of our times together, IMAX, birthday, Dan's mother seeing and liking the photos of Dan's no pants episode. I said, I should be honored but it was his mom I had no idea what to say.
I told the crowd, that I told the couple that if they got married that I would be here and that I would suit up. I also stated that Uncle Mike would more than be happy to baby sit any future children that they would have (later on Kim,the brides-maid said in her speech that, like Mike stated, Auntie Kimberly would love to baby sit also)
I then had a quick idea on how to end the speech.
I said, at the end of your journey together, where ever you might be, living on the moon or living in Dunedin, when that time comes, may you 2 look at each other and be able to say to each other, thank you for selecting me. To Dan and Greer, I love you 2 both very much. I raised my glass and said, to Dan and Greer.
(Later in the evening Richard and Greer both told me that they loved the speech and that a lot of the crowd comment that they did also. I told them both that it came from the heart and what I said was very true)
(Now here is where I am going to take a break and tell something that I did not tell Dan nor Greer. I kept trying to get the couple into a Karaoke bar.The reason was that if they had this one song that I would personalize it for them.)
I can love you like that
(I told the couple that in Texas we don't have singing room and that we sing in the open, at bars. I told them a few of the songs that I sing, Johnny Cash, Kid Rock, Rick James, Comedy Songs and other songs. If we were able to go, I wanted to sing the above song for my friends. This is the song with the extra words added to personalize it for my friends, I hope you 2 like it.)
I CAN LOVE YOU LIKE THAT By John Michael Montgomery.
They read you Cinderella
You hoped it would come true
That one day your Prince Charming
Would come rescue you
You like romantic movies
You will never forget
The way you felt when Romeo kissed Juliet
All this time that you've been waiting
You don't have to wait no more...
Dan can love you like that
Dan would make you his world
Move Heaven and Earth if you were his girl
Dan will give you his heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything that's precious to him
If you give Dan a chance
He can love you like that.
Dan will never make a promise that he don't intend to keep
So when Dan says forever, forever's what he means
Dan's no Casanova but he will swear this much is true
He'll be holdin' nothing back when it comes to you.
You dream of love that`s everlasting
Well baby open up your eyes
Dan can love you like that
Dan would make you his world
Move Heaven and Earth if you were his girl
Dan will give you his heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything that's precious to him
If you give Dan a chance
He can love you like that.
You want tenderness-Dan's got tenderness
And Dan will see through to the heart of you
If you want a man who understands
You don't have to look very far.
He will love you, Dan will love you like that.
(My friends, my wedding song to you 2)
Then the second thing happened that I flat out was not expecting.
Greer's Speech. (Once again, I am doing this from memory and I did not record it.)
Greer stood up and gave a very simple but great speech, I darn near cried my eyes out.
Greer started by saying that there was one person missing and that it was Rebecca, due to a their former boss, that she could not be their.
Greer then talked about the family that they made back in Korea. (I was not expecting what came next) She personally thank me for flying down for the wedding and that they could not believe that I was there. (The crowd cheered and I was just in shock) She also mentioned people that they wish could have been their but could not (Trey, Mark, Megan, Nichole and Marta) (I emailed the above people and told them about this speech and said you may have not been there but you damn sure were not forgot)Greer then thanked some more people. I was just in shock by her speech, I was not expecting it. I really felt like crying but I did not.
Dan even said a few world, but Greer's words are what I will remember for the rest of my life.
We finished eating dinner and then we mingled a lot more.
I talked to Phil Morey (He is living in England and he flew back home for the wedding. I have no idea when he will come back to New Zealand, to me, he has some more traveling to do.) I found him to be a very interesting person.
I also talked to Abey. She has been one of Greer's friends since there were in middle school together. She was a very interesting person to talk to.
Later on in the evening Greer gave me a big hug for the speech I gave. I told her how humbled I was by her speech. I told her, Well Dan is now your and what are you going to do with him. I told her to love him and take care of him and did they give a frying pan as wedding gifts. I told her that in Texas frying pans were given as wedding gift to cook and to hit the man upside the head if he steps way out of line.
I was their when someone gave Greer a plate that had a bird on it. The person stated that these birds mate for life and that they (D & G) had matted for life. I thought it was such a cool looking plate. If you click the photos at the top of the page you will see a photo of the plate.
Then later on Dan looked like he was taking off his pants, I rushed to him and was going to join him. I had already told Dan, that if he drops his pants tonight that I was his man and that I would drop mine also. (I even wore Spongebob boxers in case we did the Dan "No Pants" Dance.) He kept the pants on. I have no idea if he believed me but I was ready to go pant-less for my friend. It sure would have been funny.
I took a lot of photos of that night with the happy couple together. They make such a great couple and their love was showing and it really showed on the photos.
I told more stories of those 2 about their time in Korea with me and all of the crazy things that we did, The IMAX stories, the hooters stories, the baseball stories, (my 40th birthday story and how they saw me dancing with the female cheerleaders on the big screen)I told Dan's mom the story behind the photos that she liked of how I saw the "full Monty" on DAN (Which I never want to see ever again). Though out the night I kept looking at the happy couple and I was smiling every time I saw them look at each other with love in their eyes.
I also noticed how happy Richard was (Greer's Dad) He told me that he liked the speech and that a lot of his friends told him that they loved my speech also. He was really happy that some of the people that were at his wedding were also at the wedding of his daughter. I heard that a lot from his friends also, they they were happy to be at Greer's wedding also.
When someone said that,I was thinking about "The Lion King" and the "Circle of Life" The wedding was at the the brides grandparents home. Friends of her parents were at their wedding and their daughters wedding. part of Greer parents wedding reception was also held at the Grand parents home. It was very nice weather and I kept thinking that the great weather was a gift from heaven from her grandparents. I was also thinking about the big Moa bird story at the museum. Greer's grandmother had taken her their as a child and that she would take their children their also.
I then took a lot of photos of the happy couple and I took a lot of outside photos with their friends. (Click on the top page link too see them all)
Near the end of the reception, I took, what I called the money, shot of the reception.

Abby gave me her camera and asked me to take a photo of (Kim,Greer and Abby)together I still can not believe how great the photo turned out and, once again, someone used a photo that I took as the main photo on their Facebook page (Abby's). I love this photo of these 3 friends together.
Dan and Greer were going to spend the night at a Bed and Breakfast, it had the title of Great view in its name. (I forgot the name of the place, Dan said the breakfast was so-so but the place had a great view.) I was due to leave tomorrow at noon, so i said good-bye to Dan and Greer both (I was not sure if I would see them again in the morning) I was so happy about the speech and that i loved them both.
Richard drove me back to their home and I got the sofa sleeper ready to go.
I went to their computer and logged onto Facebook and updated my profile with this simple line all in caps.
I went to sleep and when I woke up I logged back onto Facebook and read the comments congrats to Dan and Greer about their wedding.
The reception was great at the Customs house, It was a great party and we were all happy that our friends were married and ready to start their life together.
Dan,Simeon and Nathan Kerr (The best man, who just arrived on holiday from the NZ Army) had to get their outfits for the wedding. I later found out that the happy couple almost saw each other at the octagon. I just stayed at the place and got myself ready. I later learned a nice saying about, "They scrub up very well" I heard that a lot at the wedding. Then all 4 of us got ready for the wedding.
Wedding photos #1
I was being taken to the wedding location by the Brides parents. Thats when I finally meet Greer's brother Fraser. (I later found out that he is a huge fan of "The Wire" So when I mailed 3 cd's full of photos and wedding videos, I mailed a copy of Season 5 of The Wire, for him. I hope that he likes it.)
I had not yet gone this way yet so I was looking at all of the new scenery and once again, was amazed by the beauty of Dunedin and beyond. The car finally stopped at a house and I saw all of the chairs and thought that this was the place for the wedding.
I later learned that the site of the wedding was at the home of Greer's Grandparents. Sad to say but both of them had passed on, but I knew that they were in heaven watching the wedding and were very happy.
They were serving Speight's while we were waiting for the wedding to start. I walked around and talked to a lot of people. I soon found out that a lot of the people there were friends of the brides parents. Richard told me that a lot of the people here were at his wedding and now they are here for his daughters wedding. I thought it was so cool.
I still could not believe that I was going to watch my friends finally get married.
Well we mingled around for awhile and then it was time for the wedding.
I found my seat and saw the men stand on their aisle. Dan looked really nice in his suit and thats when I heard the once again, that he scrubs up well. The the maid of honor walked down the aisle.(There should have been 2 but Rebecca could not get free for the last few days of her stoopid contract at their old school)Then it came time for the bride to walk down the aisle. She looked very beautiful in her dress and both of her parents walked her down the aisle. It was so beautiful.
It was a very short 8 minute wedding. Both Dan and Greer both wanted a very simple ceremony. It was very simple and very beautiful. The bride was starting to cry and I thought that I was going to also. The bride looked so happy and I know that Dan was also.
When the said man and wife, I was cheering in the inside and I was so happy.
I was able to get a lot of photos and I have a video copy of the wedding. It really was a very nice wedding.
We then mingled after the wedding and the photographers took a lot of good photos.
I could not believe that by pure stoopid luck I was able to get one heck of a great shot at the wedding.

I was waiting by the Limo and I saw the couple waiting by an old barn and I said hold on, this would make a great photo. I looked and centered the shot and took the picture. I looked it at and thought, this is a good picture. When I uploaded the photo on Facebook, I looked at it and said that it was a great photo. I can not tell you how happy I was when Greer put that photo as her display photo on Facebook.
I caught a ride to where the reception was going to be held at.
Greer and the ladies were gathering for a lunch at a nice place. Dan had a few things to do, so I walked around town and took a lot of photos of Dunedin.
photos of Dunedin
Dan had told me to take a look at the Train Station, It was named one of the 100 places to see before you die. After seeing it I can understand why. In its day it must have been a beautiful place to arrive at. Sad to say the trains no longer ran from ChristChurch to Dunedin. I would have had loved to have taken the train instead of the bus. What can I say, Korea has gotten me used to trains.
I could not believe how beautiful the town of Dunedin was. I was so happy to take the photos that you see in the link above.
I had told Dan that we, the guys, should get together. Me, Dan, Simeon, His Dad and Greer's father. We all met up at The Velvet Hamburger. (Man I wish we had one of them in Korea also)We went outside and had a great time.
Now Dan's father told a great story about how Dan was a 2 year production. (I definitely see where Dan gets him humor from)I was LOL and Simeon was just looking shocked. (My friend you were a 2 year production and you married someone who loves you, what a 2 year production)
I looked around town for awhile longer and then caught the bus back to the place.
Something interesting happened and once again, I knew that these 2 were right for each other.
I had told Dan earlier, that he was so lucky to marry a lady like Greer. Greer had not and did not go Bridezilla at any time. She wanted a very simple ceremony. She told me that she just wanted to be married and the heck with the ceremony. I really think that she did not want to be the center of attention. I told her, you are the bride, you will be the center of attention.
I also told Dan that he was very lucky getting married to her. The families like each other, the dad's play golf together, the moms get along. I reminded him how rare that was. i told him of all of the wedding stories that I had done.
The Princess wedding, the wedding that the families hated each other. The father that flat out refused to put the hands together after the father daughter dance. I have seen a lot of things go wrong. He was so lucky and that they were so lucky.
Greer finally snapped a little, I really could not believe what she told me. She was sailing along when at the dinner someone stressed her out. She came back to the house where me and Dan were and told us what had happened. Then, mature Dan, kicked in. He talked to her and I saw all of Greer's stress go away. I made a note to myself, way to go you 2.
They had a wedding rehearsal and they both went off together. I just walked around town and was so happy, my friends were getting married in less than 24 hours and I was going to watch it.
That night Greer spent the night at her parents place. Me and Dan were back at their place, we talked for awhile and then I crashed on the sleeper sofa. The wedding was on.
We went to the fake US Pizza place and it was a great night.

We got there and I remember meeting some of the people a few days ago. I started to listen to all of the stories.
I remember Kim, Greer and Abby we talking and I asked Dan how long they had known each other, Dan said that it had been since they were in grade school together. I was very impressed with that.
Then I did something later on, I hit the table and spoke.
Dan and Greer said that on their wedding that there will be no speeches, they said nothing about tonight!
So I started this little speech.
I have known these 2 the lest amount of time here. When I first met Dan and Greer, they were these kind nice kids, I thought to myself, How in the heck are these 2 going to make it in Korea? As I saw these 2 together, I kept noticing something, when Dan was weak Greer was strong and when Greer was weak Dan would be strong. It just happened together. Now I told these 2 that if they got married I would be there, so to my friends congrats and lets get these 2 married!!!
A few other people stated a few things and we will all happy that these 2 were getting married in 48 hours. It was a very happy night and it was 2 days to go to the wedding.
Well it was Thursday and I was off to do a tour of the brewery where they make the delicious Beer that I was drinking in NZ. It's called Speight's and I liked it and I wish that they sold it in Korea.
I first went to the Octagon area and made a little video of the downtown area. it is such a great spot of town with a lot to do. In my week their I saw a radio car, NASCAR race on tv, a toga gathering, nice food, cold beer and a nice movie chain.
Dunedin Octagon
I walked around and ate more meat pies and drank some very cold diet coke and went to the Brewery. Greer had call for me a reservation and I check myself in, paid the fee and looked at the gift shop.
I had never toured a brewery before and it was a nice tour, as you can tell by the photos that I took.
After the tour I tried some samples of the Beer. I am definitely not a dark ale person. I love the lite ale.
I went to the gift shop and bought 2 shirts and 1 huge blanket.
i sure wish that they sold Speight's in Korea!!!
Below are 2 commercials that I just loved from NZ about the Beer.
So as they say, thanks for the beer tour and, "GOOD ON YOU MATE"
After the tour, I ate another of those delicious Velvet hamburgers and went to Hoyt's and saw "The Bucket List" on the big screen. It was a nice day.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Travel day 2
Wednesday was the travel day. Greer's father was going to show me around Dunedin.
The 1.5 albums above are from that day.
We drove around and I was shown seals, birds, a lot of animals and water. I could not believe how much water is near Dunedin.
We also saw a fire happen at a building, It really went up fast.
I must admit the 2 highlights were the penguins and the fake American pub.
They have a penguin colony near Dunedin and we were able to see them. I was so happy. For anyone who knows me, one of my favorite cartoon has always been Opus the Penguin and when I saw that I would have to chance to see them live, I jumped at the chance.
It cost 35 NZ$ and it was worth it. I got to see some live penguins and I was so happy.
I had asked Greer's dad (Richard) if we could go to the Philadelphia bar. (There was going to be a gathering there tomorrow and I had no idea what it was about)
Now this is going to sound strange what happened next, but to me it made scene.
I had a pizza and a Beer and I was watching the England-New Zealand Cricket test (Greer had earlier shown me at a high school students playing cricket and teaching me the scoring and the rules)Because of that, I was saying that's 1, 2 4, or 6 runs. I was able to see a pull hitter and I notice a defense shift. I could not believe that I was watching cricket and it was just so normal. (Now that i am back in Korea, I have watch a few games online and have enjoyed them)
It was a great time with Mr Richard and Once again I thank him for showing me around that day.
We once again had a nice dinner and it was nice to see all around my friends beautiful city. I can not believe that they left this for Korea. I do hope that if they want to buy a home that they can.
It was a Monday and I had the day to myself. Dan had to take a test and Greer had some wedding things to take care of. So I was off to a place called The Octagon. I went to the sports bar, in hope of seeing the Daytona 500 on Tv. I went to the sport bar and they were showing a stoopid Texas A&M basketball game. So I went to have another hamburger at a placed called "Velvet Hamburger" I have no idea what they use but the food was delicious. I was going to a movie theater, when I passed a bar that had the 500 on it.
I went to the bar and said, I will have a Speight's and I thank you for showing the race. I ended up meeting a waitress from Canada, who was going to school at the college. I immediately stood out because, I knew who the racers were. She figured out that I was an American. I told her that I was here for a wedding. I also drank a ginger beer and something else. They were ok. I was a little upset that Dale Jr. had a bad late run. I thanked her for some great service.
I then went to a theater called Hoyts Cinema in Dunedin and wanted to see what a NZ theater was like. They do not sell hot dogs nor nachos. They sell great chocolate and some ok popcorn, The fresh ice cream was delicious. The price was 13.00 NZ$ for the ticket. The seats were great and the commercials were in English, so it took a bit to get used to it. The film previews were nice and I hated the 10,000 BC preview in NZ also.
I decide to take the bus back to Dan and Greer's place after the movie. I was a bit worried so I asked and I was told that this was the right bus. The cost was 1.30 NZ$ and it was a nice little ride. I got off and realized that I was very close and I was not lost. That is always a good sign.
I met Dan and Greer back at the place and told them of my day. Dan had passed his test and Greer had taken care of her wedding items. Greer told me that her dad would show me around town on Wednesday. I was hoping to see the penguins. We had fun that night and it was good to talk with my friends and see what was going on in their lives.
Tuesday was a nice day also.
I had my first meat pie. It was very delicious (and I want them here in Korea ASAP) I also saw they they sold more slurpees here, so that made me happy also. I went and got them a 230 converter for the dvd player that I got them. I walked around town again and met some of the people on the tour boat that stopped in Dunedin. I could not believe how warm it was in NZ. It was summer down in NZ and it sure beat the cold weather that I had in Korea. I went and saw another movie and then the night got interesting.
We went to a bar on the Octagon and it was a nice time, then I saw a lot of people walking and mulling around wearing togas. I noticed that I was the only person staring at them. So I asked the question WTF?
It looks like they have a very interesting orientation week at the Otago. The first night I was in Dunedin, I had heard that a huge party was going on and that tonight was going to be a huge toga party.

I have no ideal who any of these students are but the girl saw me taking the photo and she raised her hands. It was a great shot.
Later in the evening I was actually able to see a satellite actually moving in the sky. I could not believe how beautiful the night are in NZ. It was just nice to drink a beer and watch the sky move.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I did 3 things of note on this day.
1. I met Greer's Mom and Dad. He is a veterinarian and has a nice job, I think working for the government of NZ. Her Mom was awesome. I can see where the humor comes from, but, in my opinion, I think she is more like her dad. He cooked some very nice meat for us and we had a great time at their place. I found out the her brother, Frasier, was in a week long class and would have to rush to get to the wedding on Saturday.
2. We went looking around downtown. I could not believe that they had a K-mart, subway, McDonald's and KFC. I wanted to apologize for the rush of American food here. We also went walking around and if you look at the photos, here you will see a lot of different looks around town. I was shown the Cadbury chocolate factory and I could not believe how much I liked this chocolate (I have heard that e-mart sells it). We also went to a museum and I was listening to Greer's story about how her grandmother had taken her here and how she was afraid of a bird called Moa. It was a very interesting story.
#3. The 3 of us went to a movie, my treat, and we saw, on the big screen, "There will be Blood" It was so much better on the big screen that the small one. DAN got a huge kick out of the, "I'll drink your milkshake" speech.
Once again we had a great day.
Its been about 1 month now since my vacation to New Zealand and I am so sorry that I have not been able to post the photos before. Now for the stories that happened during my great vacation.
Well I promised Dan and Greer that if they got married, I would be there. I was able to book the tickets in December 2007 and I took a trip to Busan to purchase the tickets. Dan recommended that I fly from Auckland to ChristChurch (Next time I am flying straight to Dunedin, the 6 hour bus ride stunk.) and to take a bus from ChristChurch to Dunedin. So the flight and buses were book and I was on my way to a wedding. I even told Dan that if he wanted to drop his pants that I would also (He is called no pants DAN for a reason.)
I was able to book a flight from Seoul-Hong Kong-Auckland, using Cathay Airlines.
I left on Feb 14th, 2007 at 0340 am for the long flight. I was able to catch the early bus. Now what I did not know was that the bus was non-stop and when I woke up from a nap, I thought that I was near Cheonan for the stop, but when I saw the signs for Incheon Airport, I could not believe it.
Then something very interesting happened. I renewed my visa and had it marked on the back of the alien registration card. It looks like it was a single entry only, so imagine my surprise that I had to get a re-entry visa for Korea at the Immigration office at the airport. It cost 30,000 won and i was set. I was upgraded to business class from Incheon to Hong Kong, I exchanged my won for NZ $ and I was ready to go.
I went to the computer lab and updated Facebook so Dan and Greer could see where i was. I ate a subway sandwich and then caught the flight to HK.
I had never been to business class before and i could not believe how nice it was. I had leg room and sat down and enjoyed the flight to HK. I watched "Atonement", ate a very nice meal and once again got zero sleep on the flight.
I arrived in HK and went looking for a nice place to eat and found nothing. I had heard that HK had a great airport, well maybe they do but the transfer part stinks and I hated it. I did not have a nice time in HK Airport. I did get some HK $'s for keepsakes.
Then it was time for the flight from HK to Auckland. I was told that it was going to be about 12-13 hours, so I got comfortable and once again, did not sleep on the flight. I really hate the small seats but, hey I got to sit in the aisle and my legs felt good so it was ok.
Then I arrived at Auckland and I ate breakfast at McDonald's and then I saw something that made me very happy, Slurpees! I could not believe that they sold them here in a big container. I had one with breakfast.
Then it was off to the domestic part of the airport. I caught a nice shuttle and was at Air new Zealand's counter where I met a very nice young lady. She gave me a nice seat and then I went to check in. Once again I still had not slept so i was running on energy. I checked in and finally got on my flight to ChristChurch. I slept for about 40 minutes. I landed in Christchurch and found my paper and took a taxi to my hotel. (Now that was a huge 50$+ fare, they have this shuttle for 22$ that I used on the way back and I have the card, if you are going to CC then please email me and I will email you the # to call for the service.) I checked in at my hotel and was given a container of milk. The milk was for the coffee and tea.
I took a nap and crashed for about 4 hours. I then went to a pizza place and I was a hit there. I was the first American that they had seen in a while, I ordered pizza's and we talked about my trip and why I was in New Zealand. Now at the same time on TV was Rugby Super 14. Now I had never heard of this but it had teams from Australia, NZ and South Africa playing in a league. Nothing else was on tv so throughout the night while sleeping and awake, I watched 3 games. I even saw the the town that I was going to, Dunedin, had a team called The Highlanders (The 2 weeks that I was their, they did now win a single match. I was watching it with amazement. I kind of understand it now but a few more games need to be watched before I understand it.
I finally got a little more sleep and soon checked out of the hotel, now here is where I made a great error, I should have booked a room for my return night in CC but but I thought that I could get a better deal, I did not, and it was an overpriced place that i stayed at when I left CC the 2nd time. (Thanks Ben for booking me into the nice hotel)
I took a taxi to the bus station and I was off on a 6hr bus ride to Dunedin.
Now what I did not know was that the bus had a lot of freshmen students going to the college at Dunedin its called the The University of Otago. So when I said that I was an University professor, I got a lot of strange looks. They were telling me of why they were going to college and what they hoped for. It was nice to listen to these students and see that we all share the same dreams and hopes, it was just expressed differently.
It was a long-ass bus ride with one 30 minute stop. I could not believe what I was seeing when the bus pulled past the city of Dunedin sign.
I saw a lot of hills. It was a very hilly place and I was wondering what kind of city will I be staying at for this week. The bus drive said that if you were waiting for someone to please take your luggage and wait at a spot, I was in the middle of moving there, when I saw 2 very familiar faces coming towards me, Dan and Greer's. I was so happy to see them. I still could not believe that in one week that they would be married.
They drove me to their rented place and I LOVED IT. It has a great view of the harbor and of the Pacific Ocean. I unpacked and gave them my wedding gift to them, an all-region dvd, divx player with movies that I knew that Dan and some that Greer would enjoy.
That night they said that they were going to meet a lot of the people that would be at the wedding and asked if I wanted to come along. I said sure and then I was off to met some of the people who would be at the wedding and some of their college friends.
Now I had heard of DAN'S BROTHER. Dan had told me stories about him and after a few moments, I realized that Dan had described him fair enough. I met Simeon Snyder, he was one of Dan's best man at the wedding. I met his girlfriend also. She sure did like all of the music videos that I had on my Ipod.
I met a few more people and then I realized that I did like the local beer that was brewed their in Dunedin. Its called Speight's. I drank a lot of it while I was in NZ and sad to say its not sold in South Korea.
Now, I have no idea who told me, but when i asked what Speight's meant I was told this "Special Piss Enjoyed In Great Hotel's Thru South" When I heard it I did not noticed who said it, I was laughing too hard and when i got back to Korea and when someone asked me about the shirt that i had, I stated the exact same thing.
Please enjoy the commercials for the Beer.
I must admit it, I had a great time that night with their friends. I also found out that one of their friends,Phil, who now lives in the UK, came back for their wedding also. I recall also being told that Nathan, Dan's other best man at the wedding, Was in the NZ Army and would be here on Saturday. This was that end of day one in NZ.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Chinese government is continuing business as usual in Tibet:
TIBET’S main exile group has confirmed reports that Chinese authorities killed 30 Tibetan demonstrators and injured many more during protests against Chinese rule.
The Tibetan Government in exile, based in the north Indian town of Dharmsala, offered no details about those reported dead and gave no details on its sources.
The new statement only said "there have been 30 confirmed deaths until today, and over 100 unconfirmed deaths”.
Protests by Buddhist monks in Tibet have turned violent in recent days, with shops and vehicles set on fire and gunshots fired in the streets of the region’s capital, Lhasa - but independently verified details remained slim.
China maintains rigid control over the area, foreigners need special travel permits to get there and journalists rarely get access except under highly controlled circumstances.
Earlier reports gave lower death tolls. China’s official Xinhua News Agency said 10 people had been killed. [AFP]
CNN is reporting that the death toll is at 100 people dead, but details are hard to come by because of the Chinese government’s lock down on the Tibetan capitol of Lhasa. This video smuggled out gives a good idea of how large the demonstration was. Also this British Channel Four News report offers more images of the violence in Lhasa as well as video of how the Tibetan protests have spread out of Lhasa and to neighboring cities to include even into India:
Here is another pretty good report from Sky News:
Of course in times like these what would a major international news story be without in depth analysis from a Hollywood actor, here is Richard Gere:
On a side note I do have to say the US media coverage of these protests is shockingly poor while the British media has been all over this story. It kind of makes you wonder why that is?
What is even more pathetic about this is that this is far from being the first time that Tibetans have been gunned down by the Chinese military. Some may remember this video taken last year by international climbers of Chinese soldiers sniping Tibetan pilgrims:
Could you imagine what the headlines would be if US authorities beat down hundreds and killed 30 demonstrators? You would have endless claims of the Bushhitler’s police state yet when Chinese gun down demonstrators what do the human rights organizations call it? Here is your answer:
The Chinese authorities have engaged in a number of troubling crackdowns on activists and minority groups in the past week. On Tuesday, eyewitnesses reported that Chinese police used teargas and electric prods to disperse 500 demonstrators in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa.
The demonstrators were seeking the release of fellow monks held after the previous day’s protests.
It was also reported that 11 protesters, including nine monks, were severely beaten and detained outside Tsuklakhang cathedral in central Lhasa on Monday. They had been demonstrating to mark the 49th anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s flight from Tibet after the failed rebellion against Chinese rule. Some 50 monks have also been detained across the capital. [Amnesty International]
This is the first time I have ever seen a gunning down of civilian demonstrators described as a "troubling crackdown". The Amnesty report does not even mention the fact that Tibetan monks have been killed. Also if you go to the Amnesty International webpage this story is not even headlining the site. The killing of Tibetan demonstrators is just a story on their side bar of rotating news reports. The headlining story is of a Palestinian family who had their house demolished by the Israeli army. Let’s see what is the more important human rights story, possibly a hundred people gunned down and a city in flames for simply protesting against Chinese occupation or someone having their housed bulldozed probably for supporting a terrorist group in Israel (Of course the AI story doesn’t say)? Let’s also not forget the continued Gitmo links on their frontpage as well. Kind of shows you what Amnesty International’s priorities are.
I am also curious to what Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s reaction to this will be. The parallels between the occupation of Tibet and the Japanese colonization of the Korean peninsula are quite similar. If any nation knows about an unwanted colonization of their country, it is the Koreans. You can read much about how Koreans criticize the United States for not speaking out and doing anything to stop the Japanese colonization of Korea, but here is a chance for Koreans to speak out and do something about an occupation and colonization of a country by the Chinese government. Does anyone think Lee Myung-bak will show moral courage and condemn the Chinese occupation and crackdown in Tibet? I doubt it, just like the rest of the world will show little moral courage as well. Quickly and quietly as possible the protesters will be either killed or silenced and then the news cycle will move on and this whole story will all be just a vague memory similar to last year’s protests in Burma. When it comes to making excuses for human rights violations, China has many more apologists then just Amnesty International.
A whole lot more of good information, videos, and links over at One Free Korea as well.
China may be the O.J. Simpson of thuggish regimes. Gutter thugs like the rulers of Sudan and Burma have justly earned their international pariah status after calculating that the consequences of slaughter would be manageable and acceptable. China’s regime has learned from Saudi Arabia’s example, lining its avenues of commerce with expensive lobbyists and P.R. firms, thus escaping most of the consequences of its behavior and even buying its way to quasi-legitimacy. But even the Chinese know that this strategy has limits.
Although the Chinese authorities have almost certainly managed to suppress the true body count — anywhere from 10 to 100 dead — the situation in Lhasa today sounds like a real slaughter. CNN says that “up to a third of the capital may be on fire.”
Channel 4 News calls this “the biggest show of defiance in Tibet for more than 20 years.”
What perfect timing, just days after the custodians of America’s values dropped China from the list of the world’s worst human rights violators, even as the regime is rounding up and beating up dissidents in China proper.
As with last year’s uprising in Burma, which was also crushed with Chinese ammunition, money, and backing, the Tibetan uprising grew from a protest by monks in their monasteries.
The Tibetans are attacking ethnic Chinese and burning their shops, which is both regrettable and inevitable. Ordinary ethnic Chinese in Lhasa aren’t personally responsible for the brutality of the regime and its police, but I can understand things I don’t condone. After all, the Chinese have forcibly occupied and colonized Tibet. The Tibetans can’t vote, speak, write, or publish their opinions. They have no peaceful or democratic recourse. China has therefore legitimized violent resistance against Chinese troops and police, but not against shopkeepers.
I see two acceptable alternatives to licensing China’s slow-motion Chinese genocide of Tibet. One is that some philanthropist will start shipping the Tibetans some decent sniper rifles. Or, China could allow the Dalai Lama’s calls to abstain from violence to be broadcast all over Lhasa, as a prelude to permitting them some non-violent avenue to self-rule.
And since neither of those things is going to happen, let’s hope the Tibetans take enough pictures of the massacres to come to completely f*ck up the Beijing Olympics and put a price tag on the regime’s brutality. China can’t get away with this. The Tibetans have what North Korean refugees in China don’t — Hollywood on their side.
Update: More pictures here.
Update 2: “Maybe China Shouldn’t Be Hosting the Olympics.” You don’t say. China and its PR firms are fond of saying that the Olympics shouldn’t be politicized, which is all you really can say if you can’t defend China’s behavior. Fine, then. Let’s have them in Taipei next time. Not only has China frequently politicized the Olympics in the past, much of Beijing’s preemptive brutality this year is being done for the specific purpose of making sure this year’s Olympics are dissent-free.
Update 3: More pictures here.
USFK made a big mistake allowing the fine to be paid and not stone walling the Korean courts. This was clearly a line of duty infraction, and if don’t repect the SOFA, who the hell will? It set a bad precident and gave credence to the likes of Green Korea.
Also, back in 2000, and for some time after that, the Green Korea site had nothing but USFK-related material on it. I checked the site frequently for a long period of time, and in my memory, the notes about the reclamation project and other affairs not related to USFK or the US Embassy were not put up until months or a couple of years after the dumping incident.
The way it seemed to me based on watching the site and reading up on this years several years ago, Green Korea did as frequently happens in Korean civic groups as it gained in recognition thanks to the press championing it against USFK in 2000 —- it began taking onboard other environmental groups that were already operating before Green Korea became a national figure or were organized afterward. Either way, it seemed clear to me they had affilitated themselves with Green Korea in the typical umbrella fashion of Korean civic groups.
It wasn’t until this expansion that Green Korea really seemed to become a national movement, and from my looking at the site back then, unless I’ve gotten knocked in the head hard between now and then and dreamed all this up, none of the non-USFK, US Embassy stuff was on the site before the group mushroomed.
I do remember they had up one typical base waste oil page up that focused on a ROK installation, but I did not see the land reclamation or any other non-US related stuff in Korean or English when I was watching back then.
As for the new documents, they did clear up one big question I had never been able to satisfy before: how long had Mr. Kim been working for USFK?
When the images were staged of him dumping the chemicals came out from Green Korea, I wondered if he were a new employee and a plant.
The USFK documents seem to clearly show what GI Korea said: it was a classic case of a new boss coming in and taking charge and shaking things up and the old employees becoming disgruntled.